最近没用树莓派,突然无法启动了。RaspberryPi树莓派无法启动了排查过程 记录如下:
- 首先确认是否电源供电问题。现在的现象是电源灯PWR常亮,电源用的是iPad的。用表接伴奏上的TP1和TP2测了下电压5.05V,看起来电源正常。参考资料为提示:树莓派90%的故障是电源故障!!附5V电源检查方法
- 又仔细看了下官方的wiki,发现以下一句:“If the card is not new, you should format it and make sure there is only one partition (FAT32 is a good choice); otherwise Win32DiskImager can make corrupt your SD card!” 猜想可能是没写好SD卡。此时把SD卡插到本本的SD卡槽无反应,于是用了个读卡器,这次可以看到SD卡大小为250M,在window磁盘管理里面看到确实有隐藏的分区在SD卡上。于是乎找了恢复工具SD卡擦空还原(恢复原始容量)新工具:SD Formatter恢复后卡容量显示正确。winimagewriter重新烧录2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img。未果,又用flashnul烧了一下,还是只拷贝了60M左右,应该看起来明显不对。
- 于是换一张新卡,这次拷贝貌似正确,希望这次好用。。。。。。。。。。D:\InstFiles\ISO\Tools\flashnul-1rc1>flashnul.exe I: -L D:/InstFiles/ISO/RPi/Raspbian/2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
GetFreeDiskSpaceEx() failed: Access is denied.Disk I: (UNC name: \\.\I:)
------------------------------------------------------------[Drive geometry]--
Cylinders/heads/sectors = 126130/1/63
Bytes per sector = 512
CHS size = 4068449280 (3879 Mb)
---------------------------------------------------------------[Device size]--
Device size = 4064280576 (3876 Mb)
delta to near power of 2 = 230686720 (220 Mb), 5%
-----------------------------------------------[Adapter & Device properties]--
Bus type = (0) UNKNOWN
Removable device = Yes
Command Queue = Unsupported
Device vendor = RICOH
Device name = R5C822
Revision = 01
Device serial =
--------------------------------------------------------------[Hotplug info]--
Device hotplug = Yes
Media hotplug = NoSelected operation: load file content
Selected drive: I:, 4064280576b (3876 Mb)THIS OPERATION IS DESTRUCTIVE!!!
Type 'yes' to confirm operation. All other text will stop it.Really destroy data on drive I:? :yes-----------------------------------------------------------------------[Log]--
Runing operation [load file content] for drive I:Writing 0x73960000 (1849 Mb), 6734471 b/s
image load finished----------------------------------------------------------[Operation result]--
passes: 1
errors: 0
write bytes: 1939865600 (1850 Mb)
avg. write speed: 6734527 (6576 kb/s)
max/min write speed: 0 (0 b/s) / 0 (0 b/s)Press ENTER to exit.
- 但是上一步的貌似正确的卡还是无法启动。要放弃了的时候又重新拿新卡重复了一遍SDFormater和winimagewriter. 这次尽然启动了...